WATCH: War: A Racket of Profit and Pain Throughout history, war has been romanticized, glorified, and sold as a noble endeavor. Heroes are lauded, parades...
Beneath the veneer of government operations, where the gears of bureaucracy turn, often unseen and unwieldy, lies a tale that epitomizes the dance of democracy and...
“The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb discusses systemic financial manipulation and legal changes aimed at enabling a vast transfer of wealth and securities from the...
My son and I launched this website with a clear aim: to provide the American people with timely and authentic information. Real Citizen Reports publishes videos...
DeSantis could have presented himself as the opposition to Soros-funded District Attorneys and their neo-Bolshevik tactics. According to the Federal Election Committee, Hillary Clinton lied about...
Last week we detailed BofA’s Michael Hartnett’s warning that “The Fed will tighten until something breaks”. Well, something just broke… SVB’s collapse – the second biggest...
Twitter moderators were ordered to censor truth-based posts which could promote vaccine hesitancy, according to the latest Twitter files expose. Internal company documents were published on...