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Tyrant Joe Biden Says He Will “Fight Vaccine Disinformation” to Increase Vaccinations After Project Veritas Exposé (VIDEO)



Joe Biden on Wednesday hosted a virtual COVID-19 Summit where he announced the US would be buying 500 million doses of Pfizer to donate to other countries.

“The United States is buying another half billion doses of Pfizer to donate to low and middle income countries around the world…It brings our total commitment of donated vaccines to over 1.1 billion vaccines,” said Biden.

Tyrant Joe Biden also said he will “fight vaccine disinformation” to increase vaccinations after a federal whistleblower who works in the HHS came forward to Project Veritas this week.

“And we’ll fight vaccine disinformation and exercise transparency to build vital public trust in these life-saving tools,” Biden said struggling to read his teleprompter.

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Biden’s comments come just two days after Project Veritas released part 1 of their #CovidVaxExposed series.

Jodi O’Malley, a federal whistleblower who works for the Health and Human Services went public with secret recordings revealing the truth about the Covid vaccines.

‘The government doesn’t want to show the COVID vaccine is full of sh*t,’ an ER doctor who works for the HHS said. ‘They want to shove adverse effect reporting ‘under the mat.’

A registered nurse was recorded saying she has seen “a lot” of vaccinated people get sick with side effects but “no one is writing the VAERS report because it takes a half an hour to write the damn thing.”

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