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Election Theft

AZ Audit Member Ben Cotton Reveals Significant Internet Activity by Dominion Software Including Several Entries to FOX News in January 2020 (VIDEO)



CyFIR Founder and IT analyst Ben Cotton delivered explosive testimony Friday during the Senate audit team’s report on 2020 Maricopa County elections.

Ben Cotton confirmed that despite earlier claims by Maricopa County officials the Dominion voting machines were in fact connected to the internet.

Ben Cotton reminded the audience that the previous audits by EAS in the county did not find any internet history. This was false. It was not accurate. Ben Cotton found significant internet history on the machines.

Here are some of the logs that show there were connections to log in requests made to the DNS on certain election systems.
Via We Love Trump.

TRENDING: REASONS TO DECERTIFY AZ – THE LIST: 70,000 Duplicated, Fraudulent, Illegal or Ghost Ballots (7 Times Biden’s Margin of Victory), Devices Missing, Data Deleted, Criminal Acts Referred to Authorities


Notice there were several internet connections to the internet and FOX News back in January 2020. 

REWEB 1601 is a screenshot of data captured on the Dominion database.  Cotton posted an example of the thousands of entries on the database.

Notice that the web address goes to FOX News multiple times in January 2020.  Interesting.  Is anyone going to look into this?

Here is the related video from Friday’s hearing.


Ben Cotton also confirmed the Maricopa County election system was breached during the 2020 election.


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