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MUST SEE: One of the BEST VIDEOS EVER on the New World Order Starring Disgusting Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison



Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke to the UN General Assembly last week. The Aussie leader promoted his country’s long tradition of freedom and human rights. Deactivist took the Prime Minister’s speech and filled it in with reality. Australia under Morrison is unrecognizable. Surely, he knows this. And obviously, he doesn’t care. This is one of the best videos made on the new world order and lying politicians. The video is already marked for adults by YouTube for some reason.

TRENDING: Lt. Col. Scheller Incarcerated and Sent to the Brig for Speaking Out against Weak US Generals for Surrendering Afghanistan, Stranding Americans and Arming Taliban Terrorists

You know it will not be live on the Google platform for long. Here’s another copy. Read More

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