At first glance, it would appear as though the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) first appeared in late 2019, right around the time when billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates held his Event 201 plandemicexercise. The reality, though, is that the saga dates back to the time of 9/11 when George W. Bush was still in the White House.
EVIDENCE: Covid plandemic was being schemed at least as far back as 9/11
A document called “COVID-19 Enterprise Fraud Construct Timeline: Major Dates, Events, Entities & Legislation” begins in May 2002 when Bush appointed Dr. Elias Zerhouni, born in Algeria, as director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Zerhouni laid much of the groundwork for what would eventually become the plandemic we currently face.
The 9/11 terrorist attacks, which occurred just months prior to Zerhouni’s appointment by Bush, was part of the scheme. It created the necessary fear that would be used as a catalyst to transform the United States into a mass surveillance state, as well as expand government intrusion into people’s personal lives.
The “war on terror” was birthed out of this process (as well as the Patriot Act), as was a whole new medical infrastructure to supposedly help contain the threat of bioweapons. In truth, however, the government’s expanded role made it so that career criminals and bioweapons terrorists like Tony Fauci had an easier path to unleashing a later plandemic.
It started with SARS in the early 2000s as the government really started pushing the idea of biological weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). This later morphed into influenza before being handed off to Barack Hussein Obama, who took the reins from Bush and expanded the medical police state apparatus even more.
Bush, Obama both laid groundwork for development and release of covid
In 2009, Obama completely rewrote America’s biosecurity rules, followed by his imposition of “Obamacare” (Affordable Care Act or ACA), which laid even more of a foundation for the type of medical infrastructure that would later be needed to unleash the Chinese Virus plandemic.
More years went by with Obama cozying up to China, which we now know to be the place where Fauci funneled American taxpayer cash to have SARS-CoV-2 built in a laboratory in Wuhan.
Obama is the one who made it possible for Fauci to send all that cash in the first place, establishing certain exceptions to the domestic prohibition on gain of function research.
These exceptions include allowing American taxpayer monies to be sent over to China to conduct research there that would be illegal to conduct here on U.S. soil.
In early 2016, Peter Daszak of the EcoHealth Alliance came into the picture. Daszak issued a statement of admission that Fauci and the Obama regime had partnered with China to develop SARS-Cov-2 as a bio-WMD.
About a month later, Obama changed the law to include new pandemic preparedness provisions. He and his regime knew full well what was coming, in other words.
Numerous executive orders and shady meetings later, as well as the circus known as the Donald Trump presidency, and the fix was in. The Chinese Virus would soon emerge right on schedule at the end of Trump’s term, and here we are dealing with it ever since.
Political Moonshine has put together a full timeline, complete with infographics, that provide a thorough breakdown of how this all transpired. You will find all of the relevant information at this link.
“This timeline is extracted from a larger one, contains most of the relevant major dates, events, entities and legislation for the COVID-19 enterprise fraud construct, and contains links to the sourced and cited work in evidence,” the group says.
“The search function can help to sift those articles.”
The latest news about the Chinese Virus can be found at
Sources for this article include:
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