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Fauci attacks Republicans and Defends Open Borders: ‘Face Reality – Immigrants Are Not Driving Force’ on COVID Pandemic (VIDEO)



Dirty Fauci told CNN on Sunday that illegal migrants flooding across the border are not a major concern for the coronavirus.

Fauci threw down a strawman and lectured Republicans saying, “Face reality – immigrants are not a driving force” for the ongoing COVID pandemic. Of course, he does not know this because the over one million refugees crossing the open southern border are not tested and are transported across the country.

He has no data on this.

So what he is saying is NOT based on science. It’s just an inkling he has.

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Fauci has no problem destroying businesses, families, churches and American workers.
But unchecked illegal aliens are just fine.



Via Pam Key at

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head and chief White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Republicans need to “face reality” and realize immigrates are not “the driving force” of the coronavirus pandemic.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “Doctor Fauci A new Kaiser Family Foundation poll asked Americans what they thought the major reasons for high coronavirus spread are and the top reasons the Republicans gave was immigrants and tourists bringing COVID-19 into the U.S. Are immigrants a major reason why COVID-19 is spreading in the U.S.?”

Fauci said, “No, absolutely not. If you just look at the data and look at the people who have gotten infected, look at the people who are in the hospital, look at the people that died. This is not driven by immigrants. This is the problem within our country, the same way it’s a problem with other countries throughout the world. The idea when you have 700,000 Americans dead and millions and millions and millions of Americans getting infected that you don’t want to look outside to the problem. The problem is within our own country. Certainly, immigrants can get infected, but they’re not the driving force of this. Let’s face reality here.”

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