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Election Theft

FRIGHTENING: DOJ Shows No Signs of Holding 2020 Election Fraudsters Accountable – Instead Going After Those Who Call Out the Egregious Steal



This past week there was shocking news across the country related to the 2020 Election.  Yet, our DOJ and FBI have done nothing to date to hold criminals and fraudsters accountable for their actions in the 2020 Election steal. 

Last week, like every week since the 2020 Election, more and more evidence is being released showing the 2020 Election in this great country was stolen.

We first reported last week that Rep. Tim Ramthun in Wisconsin put together a damning list of the reasons to decertify the 2020 Election in that state.  This was raised on the floor of the House in Wisconsin and referred to the Rules Committee.

TRENDING: SHOCKING TESTIMONY Reveals Democrats Were Stealing Overseas and Military Ballots from Michigan, Georgia and Now Arizona Too (VIDEO)

Next, we found out that the bulk of absentee ballots cast in Pennsylvania in the 2020 Election were determined to be invalid by a court in that state.  The court ruled that blanket absentee ballots, not in agreement with state laws, were not legitimate in the state.  The bulk of the absentee ballots counted in the 2020 Election in that state were as a result, invalid.

Finally, over the weekend, a trailer was released of a movie coming out in the spring by Dinesh D’Souza named “2000 Mules”, showing alleged ballot harvesting across multiple swing states in the 2020 Election.

What did the DOJ and FBI do in response to this news alone?  As far as we know, nothing.  We didn’t hear a peep from these individuals led by the same group of corrupt individuals that were behind the Trump-Russia collusion lie and attempted coup.

In response to all this news, Sundance at the Conservative Treehousesays:

CTH continues to be cautious with measured expectations around this story, because a thoroughly corrupt and politically compromised DOJ has possessed all of this information for almost a year. {GO DEEP} There will be a response.  Likely a massive, coordinated and weaponized response from the totality of the most politically corrupt DC system in our nation’s history, every branch, and their aligned ideologues outside government.

No one wants to join Michael Hastings, and yet that is the scale and scope of the risk inherent within this story.  The good news is that more Americans are awake to the issues now than ever existed.  We have Donald J. Trump to thank for that.

Catherine Engelbrecht is a genuine national hero, and her organization True The Vote (TTV) will be known in history long after these decades are passed.  Long-term readers of CTH also know we fully support Englebrecht and her team, we always have.

The Treehouse continues:

In the late spring of 2021, Federal law enforcement agencies were informed about some of the results from geolocation of cell phone data surrounding “drop boxes” used to collect voter ballots. Essentially, a mapping of specific cell phones which identifies their group association and outlines their activity in multiple states. The data is the data and cannot be refuted.

Instead of moving toward investigation and the administration of election laws, the United States Dept of Justice immediately transmitted the identified evidence of election fraud to their political allies who were involved in the 2020 election fraud.  All moves from that moment forward were a deployment of assets against public awareness.

All of the proactive moves, by AG Merrick Garland and DAG Lisa Monaco (executive branch), have been coordinated with Nancy Pelosi and her J6 effort (legislative branch), with the intelligence apparatus within government, and with allies outside government in Lawfare and the DNC.

While the U.S. Dept of Justice assembled their election exposure defenses and counterattack, a deliberate effort to cover up the election fraud, the private sector investigation into that fraud continued.

The odds are, based on actions to date and over the past decade, the DOJ and the FBI will look into voter fraud and election fraud in the 2020 Election and use their assets to go after those who uncover the massive fraud in the 2020 Election while letting those who committed the crimes, go free.

Can we now say that we are in a Nazi or communist state?  It sure looks like we are.

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