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“Nothing Gets Me Worked Up as Much as These Guys, Scum of Bush, Who Are Just Complete Filth and Trash” – Steve Bannon Goes Off on Turncoat Bill Barr (VIDEO)



Steve Bannon went off on sell-out Bill Barr on Tuesday’s show. This was after the former Attorney General turned on Trump and landed on the liberal media guest list to push his new book.

Steve Bannon: “We’s Walter Mitty. He’s a nerd and been a nerd all of his life. He not just stabbed Trump in the back he stabbed the nation in the back. On this hard drive from hell, what he did, he suppressed this information so that what the elites in our country were doing, compromised by the Chinese Communist Party and all of the situation in Ukraine, stealing money with both hands. Barr, It’s all going to come out… And we’re going to have a field day going into the details of what a total and complete scumbag you are… You had this in December of 2019 (Hunter’s laptop) and you actively suppressed it from the people of the United States… Don’t worry about joining a law firm. You better lawyer up… Nothing gets me worked up as much as these guys, the scum of the Bush, that are just complete filth and trash. And we’re going to do it with facts. We’re going to walk you through the facts of what Bill Barr knew and when he knew it. And Chris Wray. Throw Chris Wray into the pile too.

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